Don Bosco School Palsandamore, founded in 2019, is an English Medium (Co-educational) Catholic School which is established and administered by the Salesians of Don Bosco (Northern India). As such it is a minority institution primarily aimed at the welfare and education of Catholic children of the locality. Provision is also made for the admission of non-Catholic students. It aims to prepare the students for the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) conducted by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi.
As an English Medium School, the medium of instruction is English and students are encouraged to speak only English in the School Campus. Don Bosco Schools across the world are known for excellence in Education, preparing children to face the world through character formation and strict discipline. It’s a home where importance is given to developing correct value system and a sense of the sacred. Group activities are encouraged wherein children acquire community feeling and social responsibility. It promotes cultural and Christian values in equipping our children to become responsible citizens.
Dear students and parents I extend a very warm welcome to you all in our Don Bosco School Website. I hope that our website will help in enhancing school culture and further growth of our school.
“Without confidence and love, there can be no true education. If you want to be loved…you must love yourselves, and make your children feel that you love them.” – St. Don Bosco Quote above indicates that St Don Bosco had so much love for the education. In education love is important to educate the students. The aim of St Don Bosco was to educate children and youths, and make them good human beings in the society. Today we follow his footsteps to work with students and to educate the youths. Our intention is to educate and motivate them for life long learnings. Today’s world is changing very fast and as educators we need to think more in order to provide good quality modern education with a strong components of environment awareness, cultural values, and physical education to the talented children in rural areas is the motto of our Don Bosco School. A supportive and committed management, dedicated teachers, caring and co-operative parents supporting each other can help our school to grow and form self-sufficient people in the society. I thank all the people for their hard work and dedication for making this website. I am sure
that the positive attitude, hard work, sustained efforts shown in our website will surely enhance the visitors. May God bless us.
Fr. Michael Beng, sdb